
What Are the Four Causes of Conflict?


What Are the Four Causes of Conflict?

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causes of conflict
causes of conflict

Competition for monetary incentives (e.g., bonus for individual or group performance), higher position, attainment of benefits, etc. may cause conflict. The problem of competition comes in where resources are limited and only a few are rewarded, and a large section remains deprived. This competition generates dissatisfaction and, ultimately, gives rise to conflict. Conflict is a social process that is exacerbated when individual members of a group take sides in the debate. Among the methods to resolve conflict is mediation of the dispute by a group member not currently involved in the dispute.

  • Imaginary’ and real differences crop up and the relationship deteriorates.
  • It is a result of differences in individuals and group goals.
  • Therefore, if individuals in the same group initiate different goals it may cause conflict among group members.

The executives who gets more power may misuse it and conflicting situations may be arise. The stress, strain, tension, depression, frustration will be found among the employees at work place causes conflicts for other organizations. Wherever the resources are limited every departmental head trying to get maximum resources their respective departments and this may give rise to conflict.

Individual dominance, aggressiveness, authoritarianism, and tolerance for ambiguity all seem to influence how an individual deals with potential conflict. Indeed, such characteristics may determine whether or not conflict is created at all. Different organisations fix different values on conformity. This depends on size and structure of the organisation.

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Where no particular person or group is given responsibility for a work, it becomes nobody’s job to see it well done. Individuals or groups with different objectives are likely to oppose each other. Such differences gradually generate dissatisfaction between them, and result in a conflict. To remain satisfied with a limited power is generally not found in human nature.

causes of conflict

If the conflict persists or worsens, enlist the help of a manager in resolving your differences. In the workplace, it sometimes seems as if some types of conflict are always with us. Miss a deadline, and you are likely to face conflict with your boss. Lash out at a colleague who you feel continually undermines you, and you’ll end up in conflict. And if you disagree with a fellow manager about whether to represent a client whose values you disdain, conflict is also likely.

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When additional motivators are incorporated into the job, employees are further motivated and perform the task to the organisation’s expectations. The process of introducing additional motivators into jobs to get better performance is called “Job Enrichment”. In modern times changes are taking place very fast in and around the business concern. The environment changes are indispensable and unavoidable in the world. If there is lack of accurate predictions of coming eventualities may give rise to conflicts in the organization.

The conflict so developed continued and, as a result, many profitable orders were lost, order executions were delayed, defective lots were sent to~ cus­tomers and so on. In short, interdepartmental conflicts brought about heavy losses and adversely affected the repu­tation of the enterprise. For example, a superior’s autocratic leadership style may cause conflicts. Differing educational backgrounds of employees may also lead to conflict. Time pressure, like deadlines, can increase the performance of an individual or reduce the performance by triggering destructive emotional reactions.

When one person misunderstands a message or when information is withheld, the person often responds with frustration and anger. Here we will examine two aspects of the conflict process. First, several factors that have been found to contribute to conflict will be identified. After this, a model of conflict processes in organizations will be reviewed. Supposing an employee is transferred without reason from the unit he/she is working happily to another unit where she cannot enjoy.

This type of low stakes practice will feel forced and artificial at first. But, practice is the only way to become better at something. It refers to a conflict among the members in a group. It is a result of differences in individuals and group goals. There are differences among people in education, culture and upbringing, and differences in values, attitudes and personalities. When people with so many differences work together, there is always a possibility of conflict.

causes of conflict

If the organizational objectives and goals are not clear cut and easily understandable conflict may arise and obstruct the smooth flow of work. During this process there are the chances of difference of opinion, disagree on some matters, clashes friction and all this ultimately resulted into the conflicts which harmful to the organization. The search of individual for personal development is countered by demand of the organisation to perform a specia­lised task. The desire of the individual to look forward (i.e. toward the future) is neutralised by the need to fulfil planned performance of short-range period. Organi­sation wants standardised and controlled human behaviour through procedures, rules, methods and operational controls.

Generally speaking, every moment in life seems to be a source of conflict. When people are confronted with questions such as, what to wear? Conflict causes of conflict occurs when people are in antagonistic interaction situations where one party attempts to block the intentions or goals of another.

The Causes of Conflict

Conflict can occur when people have different personality types. To many, conflict is seen as a bad force in society that must be eliminated as soon as it appears. Though conflict may also be an unpleasant or uncomfortable phase of a system’s transformation process, it has the potential to lead to positive outcomes. Conflict can help individuals and groups identify areas of disagreement, which can then be addressed through negotiation and compromise.

The conflict between individuals

For example, highly authoritarian and dogmatic persons are more prone to antagonize co-workers by highlighting minor differences that might exist and may overreact causing a conflict. This conflict may also be based on personal biases regarding such factors as religion, race or sex. These conflicts ore not about issues but about persons. The causes of conflict fall into three distinct categories. Accordingly, these causes can be restructured and placed into one of these categories.

They work for improving the general quality of life and build competitive organisation. The organisation has the primary responsibility to improve the quality of work on a sustainable note. Work life here refers to the time period that employees spends in an organisation. Ensuring service quality by both employees and management is an overwhelming task. There are certain activities carried out by individuals whom they feel are not to be published. They are mainly concerned with professional relationship.

But the essence of conflict appears to be disagreement, contradiction and incompatibility. Status is the social rank that an individual obtains in the organization. When any threat generates to an individual in his status it may create conflict. The major cause of unresolved conflict is the communication gap among individuals. This results in confusion, or refusal to cooperate, missed deadlines or delays, and increased stress among employees, disruption in the workflow, decreased customer satisfaction, and gossip. Each employee in the organization plays one or more roles in the organization.

What types of conflict do you have to deal with in your business? Learning good conflict management skills is important to succeed in the world of business. Organizations that understand how to channel conflict appropriately are the most effective.

In other words, Social tension and dissatisfactions, before their expression in the form of hostile action, are two important kinds of latent conflict. International conflict occurs among the different nations of the world. It may take place for political, religious economic, ideological or for any other reasons.

If you’re going to get home late, tell your spouse you’ll get home late. For example, a staff member could grow irritated if you ask them to redo work due to a lack of clear instructions. Your partner may feel uneasy if you neglect to text and tell them you stopped for happy hour with colleagues.

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